Swim Tether is the ultimate stationary swimming equipment for your pool or swim spa. It eliminates the need for flip turns and requires a minimum pool length of 14 feet. Use Swim Tether to build endurance, work on breathing technique and stroke mechanics or as an overall fitness tool. Physical therapists have even used our product as a means of rehabilitation and low-impact therapy. Olympic swimmers, professional triathletes, and swimmers of all ability levels enjoy using Swim Tether.
What is a Swim Tether? A swim tether is a device used to “tether” or render a person stationary within a swimming pool or other body of water for the purpose of swimming in place. This is different from a swim spa or other endless swimming methods because it requires physical attachment to the ground or wall of the object containing water.
How does a swimming tether work? Swim Tether uses lift to reduce drag and provides a swimmer proper orientation by eliminating unnatural force
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