Having your hot tub deep clean serviced in preparation for the Winter months will significantly help towards keeping your hot tub a clean and healthy environment for you and your family to enjoy, as well as ensuring that it is running as efficiently and cost effective as possible.
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If you would like to book a hot tub winterisation service, please complete the form below to check availability.
* A hot tub deep clean and winterisation service can only be carried out on a fully operational and working hot tub. If you have a technical issue with your hot tub, please scroll down for more details.
Valet Clean & Winterisation | |
Remove & Chemically Treat Filters | |
Remove & Clean Headrests | |
Full Flush Treatment | |
Full Drain Down | |
Removal Of All Residual Water | |
Wipe Down of Cabinet & Panels | |
Clean & UV Protect Spa Cover | |
Winterisation Price | £195 + VAT |
* The above hot tub service and rate only applies to fully operational and working hot tubs |
If you have a specific queries, please contact us via:
Tel: 01827 51010
Email: midlandshottubshq@gmail.com
Above price applies to the listed service when the location is within a 30 mile radius from B78 3HP.
Outside this area additional mileage fees may apply. Please contact us for more information when outside this area.
>> Click Here to view Service Customer Testimonials
Shut Down
- Safely shut down for long or cold periods
- Remove and chemically treat filters
- Full Biofilm eliminator flush
- Acrylic waterline cleaned
- Full drain down
- Removal of all residual water from system
- Power isolated
- Disconnection of plumbing unions*
A full report will be completed during the service and any advisory points will be highlighted. Your service technician will always raise any advisory points with you and suggest the best course of action. A copy of the service report will be left for your records.
Contact us for more details via:
Tel: 01827 51010
Email: midlandshottubshq@gmail.com
>> Click Here to view Service Customer Testimonials
Please ensure that your hot tub is full prior to our attendance. We need the hot tub full as we will chemically treat this water to flush through the pipework. We will then drain that water ready for us to re fill with fresh.
We will require access to normal plug in power to allow us to operate our tooling.
We will need access to the main power switch for the hot tub; this is normally known as the RCD and is not the isolation switch located outside.
We will need access to a water supply to use for filling the spa; we generally also request that a hose pipe is available.
Conditions for services
The labour allocation for any service will be one technician. In the event that two should arrive on site you will only be charged as quoted. On occasions when more than one technician visits site this is normally due to training or the need for more than one technician on a previous or later service visit during that day.
The inclusive price of any service is to undertake the listed actions as stated by service. The standard allotted time for this any service is up to 3 hours. Any significant time needed over this time may be charged for. For this reason we ask that you inform us of any potential issues that you may feel we could benefit from knowing, such as restricted space, gazebo surrounds or difficult location. This information will allow us to provide you with a more detailed quotation for any non-standard works that may be required.
We will where possible remove and clean each jet internal, due to materials deteriorating over time some jets may either be, non-removable or removal of them may cause damage. We will always do our best to avoid this and will highlight this to you; however jet internals that need replacing due to deterioration will be chargeable.
We will need access to a water supply to use for filling the spa; we generally also request that a hose pipe is available.